when I search for family by name, it comes up with name, maiden name, address. I would like for it to pull up the zip code as well.

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1 Answer

answered Sep 3, 2015 by Admin
Why would you need the zip code on that screen? You should be able to recognize the account it is without seeing the zip code.
commented Sep 7, 2015 by YLeifer
I do not need it to recognize the account.  If I have it showing in the search bar, while I'm am in any given account I can view the full address+ zip at all times, without the need to click into the "general info" tab (ex. when I address an individual envelope by hand...)
commented Sep 7, 2015 by Admin

The fastest way to address an individual envelope would be with a simple label printer. Then you just need to print next to the address. As the top space is at a premium we are currently not adding zip codes there too.




commented Sep 7, 2015 by YLeifer
Addressing an envelope was just an example of when I want to view the address+zip. It can come to use in many instances. My question was not answered.  I guess my request cannot be filled...
commented Sep 7, 2015 by Admin
Correct. In order for us to add a new feature it has to make sense as something that a large part of our users will want or something that will at least not make it harder for other users. This currently doesn't fit the criteria.
commented Nov 12, 2024 by ChanaBilus
This would be a very helpful feature - some websites like NPSIS need the zip code to look up or register a child

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