Morning text message reminder for bus drivers with the bus changes.

+8 votes
asked Feb 8 in New Feature Requests by shmuel3641
retagged Feb 8 by shmuel3641
Its possible to add a option that every morning at a scheduled time a few minutes before the route, the drivers should receive a text message with the bus changes for their upcoming route?

The text message should contain the basic info like childs name, address change, and the phone number.


The dispatcher is starting the shift at 9 AM so no one from the office is in when the drivers start the 8 o'clock route to make sure that they have the changes in mind.


Thank you
commented Mar 20 by cfuchs
I Whould also like to have such a feature option it will be very good for the drivers and for the parents ....

1 Answer

answered Apr 1 by Admin
selected Apr 3 by shmuel3641
Best answer
Added. Need to contact support to update your server.

In order to setup you need to enter the driver cell number in the driver cell column. You also need to set for the bus SMSBusChanges setting.

You need to have an SMS account setup in the software.

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