Can we have the option to format Israeli cellphone numbers to work better when exporting to personal Contacts, for WhatsApp? Like this: +972 52 4560102

0 votes
asked Mar 6 in Tuition and Fundraising by M. Benoliel
From WhatsApp:

To format an Israeli phone number for compatibility with WhatsApp, you should use the following format:

+972 [area code] [phone number]


* +972 is the international calling code for Israel
* [area code] is the 2-digit area code (e.g. 03 for Tel Aviv, 04 for Haifa, etc.)
* [phone number] is the 7-digit phone number

Example: +972 3 1234567

This format will ensure that WhatsApp can recognize the number as an Israeli phone number and allow you to send messages or make calls.

2 Answers

answered Mar 6 by YakovKantor
Where are you exporting it from? A report? Sure we can export like that.
commented Mar 6 by M. Benoliel
I want to export a list of names and phone numbers to Excel (like a Mail Merge).
commented Mar 6 by YakovKantor

We can make a custom report for you to be able to export you phone numbers in the format you would like.


I dont see why whatsapp needs it in that format, also you can sync your contacts with Gmail directly and then it would be in your phone too.

answered Mar 7 by Admin
You can enter the phone number in any format you like, and that is the format you will see it everywhere.

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