Auto Credit Card Time has been updated

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asked Mar 30, 2015 in Tuition and Fundraising by Admin

1 Answer

answered Mar 30, 2015 by Admin
Best answer

The time that the scheduled credit card charges are processed daily has been changed to 8 AM. This was done because people that had setup to alert the customer if the charge went thru or was declined were receiving the message at 6 AM.

At the same time we also changed the wait time between attempted CC charges, so if the internet is down for a few seconds it will retry 10 seconds later and then 20 seconds and then 50 minutes later.

We also changed the re-index time every night to 4 AM. So if you have set windows update to restart the computer make sure to set it after 4:30 AM.

We will also now close any open connections to the server at 4 AM. So if you left the tuition or fundraising application running, you will have to restart the application in the morning.

In order for these settings to take effect you must get tech support to update your server. These updates are not pushed automatically.

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