Take daily class attendance using a barcode - Practical Idea!

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1 Answer

answered Aug 23, 2023 by YakovKantor
edited Aug 23, 2023 by YakovKantor
Best answer

We have a few schools that are using a barcode scanner to take attendance.


How it works: (See the attached picture)

  1. The secretary prints out for each class a paper with all the students names together with a barcode with one side being "Absent" and the other being "Late".
  2. The Teacher then makes a mark next to the student if they are absent or late.
  3. The secretary then takes a barcode scanner and scans the barcode into JL

We also have a report that can track which teacher gave back the paper and who did not.

Note: To use the feature it requires about a 15 - 20 minute setup from support.
You also must have the paid for the "Class Attendance" module.



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