Auto apply payments in Tuition when entering recurring payments

+1 vote
asked Dec 5, 2023 in New Feature Requests by SuriHeimfeld
Can you please add that when we schedule a recurring payment, the program should auto apply the payment  so we don't have to manually apply all payments?

Also, when setting up a recurring credit it automatically generates a check # and date. Can this be removed?


1 Answer

answered Dec 5, 2023 by Admin
No. You would need to press the Apply All button to enter all credit card transactions.

How are you generating Credits? And what is Recurring Credits. Are you doing it thru the contract tab?
commented Dec 5, 2023 by SuriHeimfeld
I'm not talking about credit cards. I'm talking about credits. But it's the same question for Checks. Lets say someone gives 10 postdated checks at the beginning of the year, and I want to put it in at once (in the "detail" tab), but I don't want to manually have to apply each month's check.

A recurring credit would be used if someone get's a certain amount paid each month through means other then checks/checks/credit card. I'm doing it through the payments / detail tab.
commented Dec 5, 2023 by Admin
Why not apply it right away when you enter it? Usually you have all charges for the year already in.
commented Dec 5, 2023 by SuriHeimfeld
Because it takes time to manually click on each payment x10 and apply it to the correct month. When you do this for a lot of families it takes time. Would just be more efficient if they can all get applied with one click of a button
commented Dec 21, 2023 by SuriHeimfeld

Any update? 

I'm basically asking for an "auto apply" button in this window

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