Live data for phone books on SMS Website

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asked Dec 14, 2023 in New Feature Requests by SuriHeimfeld
Would you be able add a feature to the SMS website to have 3 phone books with live data, with all numbers from the selected period, one phone book of Home, then from Fathers cell and mothers cell?

We're currently paying monthly for up to 600 contact numbers and we get unlimited calls/messages. The issue is that the contact list is not live data, so we have to keep on updating the list as things change. I would want to start using JL for robo calls because it is live data, but the issue is that the live data is only in the program not on the website, and it won't help us if we need to send out robo calls when were out of office and don't have access to JL. It's not worth it for us to switch if we need to keep updating the phone book on the SMS website...


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