Can we please have in fundraising an option to link two or more accounts conglomerate similar to Code two

+4 votes
asked Jan 15 in New Feature Requests by M a Horowitz
we sometimes have a family with a few trusts companies etc. And would be a help just to be able to go from one to the other and to know what is whos.

Thank You!!
commented Jan 15 by yag-byg
another feature or gain from the above, to be able to figure out from the linked accounts their total donations, as sometimes the trust/company sends in a donation which is going into that account, but the donor's total won't reflect that
commented Jan 16 by Shulem

You can put multiple trust accounts by address under one account and link each payment to the specific trust account.

commented Jan 16 by M a Horowitz
That's true but when we have different accounts for various reasons it IS needed

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