Is there a faster way to get from a student’s account to her record in courses?

+2 votes
asked Feb 22 in Tuition by SScheier
From student's account, we now have to go to Main menu drop down, then to Main Menu, then to Courses and then find the student. Could it perhaps be a button by the student or at least added to the Main Menu drop down in Accounts? We are constantly going back and forth between Accounts and Courses. (It works very well to go from courses to accounts using the “Code” button.)
commented Feb 22 by Admin
Because we would like to keep the financial staff (including the administrator) out of the student portal we have not added a link.

Are you from the financial side? If not why are you not only in the courses screen?
commented Mar 4 by SScheier
moved Mar 4 by SScheier
Students class registration has to be done in accounts.

Teachers’ names don’t show in courses either.
commented Mar 5 by Miriam Spitzer
A link from accounts to the student's attendance in courses would be helpful

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