Search by legal name

0 votes
asked Mar 12 in New Feature Requests by mdgoodman
Some donors mail us a check with their legal name, not their Jewish name. But they are stored in ou rdatabse with their Jeiwsh name, I want to be able to store that legal name as part of their record, not as additional info, so when a check comes in and I don't recognize the name, I can do a regular search and it will show up. I don't want to have to create a special query or report to search for a legal name stored as additional info. Can that be added to the program? Thank you in advance.

1 Answer

answered Mar 12 by Admin
selected Mar 13 by mdgoodman
Best answer
You can use the existing name fields for this. For example סימן.
commented Mar 13 by mdgoodman
I do not understadnwhat you are saying. Can I speak to smeone on the phone about this?
commented Mar 13 by mdgoodman
Chesky explained everything. I will close this ticket. Thank you very much!

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