to be able to split one payment to multipule campaigns

+1 vote
asked Mar 28 in New Feature Requests by Eluzer collection
is it possible to add an option when entering a payment, it should divide to the campaigns to which the payment was applied for?

example, now when someone have a balance for $1000, but its $500 for donation, $250 for Alios, $100 for coffee, $150 for seat, and he is paying it off with 1 check of $1000, I have an option of splitting the payment in 4 separate lines and apply each payment for the campaign its paying, but on the statement he see 4 payments, or I put 1 big payment and apply it to all charges, but when I make a report its showing credit for payment campaign.

so if you're able to make an option to divide the payment in few campaigns, I think it will be a big help for everyone, and if you can make it should apply automatically to the campaign the payments was applied for it will be much better.


1 Answer

answered Mar 28 by Admin
You should have a report that looks on the charges campaign. Not the payment campaign. Its already divided in the software. The data is already there. Just contact support to insert in your system the report you want.
commented Mar 28 by Eluzer collection
but when I'm doing an overall report with all campaigns, how much pledged and how much paid, am I getting the paid info from the payments or from the charges?

and the same thing about future cc
commented Mar 28 by Admin
Ask support to give you want you want. Future cc is not split yet.
commented Mar 28 by Eluzer collection
ok thanks so much

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