when a student is coming to day camp for a few nonconsecutive weeks for example 2 weeks in the beginning and 2 weeks in the end how do I enter his period so his name should appear on class list only during the weeks he is attending

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asked May 14, 2015 in How To by Yeshiva Arugath

1 Answer

answered May 14, 2015 by Admin
You enter it in two rows. When pulling class list for each week you will need to specify by the dates on top for which time period you are looking at. If you will look at the whole period he will come up twice, once for each time.
commented May 18, 2015 by Bobov-45
Instead of using the dates for selecting the time period, you can use the season, We set up our system with 5 seasons, (Full Summer, First half, Second half, Misc1, Misc2) when we enter a student for 2 weeks we place them into the appropriate season, Misc1 or Misc2 and use 3 season in every report (Full, First, & Misc1 or Full, Second, & Misc2). You would still need to enter the student in 2 rows, but selecting the correct season during queries is something that's done anyway whereas selecting the dates might not be done generally.

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