how to get a list children of family that matches a student or sibling condition in a query.

+1 vote
asked Jun 15, 2015 in Reports by BYBZ
I'm looking for a way how can we get a list in a report or childrens tab, of kids of a family that matches search criteria of a sibling.

i.e say a family 1, child 1 -  nursery child,  has a certain flag that hes in a headstart class or any flag or search property, and i'm looking to list his siblings that are in KDG in day camp.

this is just many types of situations that ive come across that this info is needed.

this should be a very basic database lookup feature.


1 Answer

answered Jun 16, 2015 by Admin

Is not so simple. When telling the computer you are looking for a certain flag, if its a student report it will only show the students of that flag, if its a parent list it will show any parent that has a child with that flag. The same is when querying for a period if you are looking at a students it will only show students of that criteria if you are looking on a parent list it will show you the parents of any child.

What you are trying to see is looking at a students but check if the parent meets the criteria. You can do this manually by editing the query in the edit tab. Just copy and paste from the 3rd box to the top box and click on update.


commented Jun 16, 2015 by BYBZ
Thanks for this option
commented Jun 17, 2015 by mbs
Thanks - this will definitely come in handy many times. Is there a way to get only the students' siblings on a report and not the students themselves who meet certain criteria?
commented Jun 17, 2015 by Admin
Simple. Just exclude that criteria.
For example Select the flag Kapures 5774 and click on exclude. That will exclude any student that has that flag.

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