Our chart of immunization requirements does not exactly match the new rules by immunizations.

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asked Aug 11, 2015 in School Administrators by yoelhonig
Our chart of immunization requirements requests every girls till kindergarten to have 4 HIB vaccines, but in the system, almost all third vaccines are not valid and therfore nearly everybody is missing their forth vaccine. Can anyone help me adjust the rules?

1 Answer

answered Aug 11, 2015 by mrsw
if you carefuly read the notes by the hib shot you see that not everyone must get 4 doses. It's a matter of when they started their vaccine series. Carefully review the new feature with JLsolutions & they will enter the rules with you in accordance to when the student got the 1st, 2nd or 3rd shot.... see below:

Haemophilus influenzae type b conjugate vaccine (Hib). (Minimum age: 6 weeks)

a. Children starting the series on time should receive Hib vaccine at 2, 4, 6, and 12 through 15 months of age.

b. If two doses of vaccine are received before 12 months of age, only three doses are required with dose three at 12 through 15 months of age and at least eight weeks after dose two.

c. If dose one is received at ages 12 through 14 months of age, only two doses are required with dose two at least eight weeks after dose one.

d. If dose one is received at 15 months of age or older, only one dose is required.

e. Hib vaccine is not required for children 5 years of age or older.
commented Aug 11, 2015 by mrsw
moved Aug 11, 2015 by mrsw
I'd like to add that if anyone is still missing the hib shot (after entering the rules with the new JL immunization feature), then that student is due for another shot in order to have the hib sereies completed.
commented Aug 11, 2015 by yoelhonig
I understand that on top of the page i need to enter the maximum amount of vaccines that a child needs to get, and if a shot is counted as two because it is late or any other reason, the new rules on the bottom right of the page, take care to make that adjustment. In this case of the HIB vaccine, i entered on top of the page that every child (til age 5) needs to get 4 vaccines, but for some reason the system does not adjust so that the children that started vaccines on time should be good with four, and children that started late, should be good with less. It looks like it is not set up at all for four vaccines.

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