Is it possible to have a button filtering the options of what to apply payment towards?

+1 vote
asked Aug 24, 2015 in Tuition by Secretary
When applying a payment to a specific company with many items and charges some accounts have a large list of options that can get confusing, especially if a family carries over a previous balance and than begins a new year and the payments need to be applied for the new year etc. mistakes can easily accur.

it would be very beneficial to have a buttion filtering for example after clicking re-apply there would be options like which period or which items, and only that list of charges would be available for applying the payment.

thank you

1 Answer

answered Aug 24, 2015 by Admin
There is an option of current period or olest balance. If you want it should only apply to certain charges you can setup charge types in admin and choose the charge type on the payment.
commented Aug 24, 2015 by Tashbar
Where can i set up the charge types to apply a payment for those charges ?
commented Aug 24, 2015 by Admin
In admin by the list of charges there is a column charge type.
commented Aug 24, 2015 by Tashbar
commented Aug 24, 2015 by Admin
Remember, once it has a charge type it cannot apply to other charges. You will not event see the other charges in the list of charges you can select.
commented Aug 25, 2015 by Secretary
thank you, is there a way to rearrange the columns in the payment screen, for ex i want to see the charge type closer up to the rest of the payment  info instead of the desc column which is bearly used
commented Aug 25, 2015 by Admin
You can change column positions in every grid. Right click on grid and choose grid layout/Change Column Positions. Now you can select any column by the header and drag where you want. When done right click the grid again and choose Grid Layout/Save Layout.

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