How do I get google maps in bus routes

+1 vote
asked Sep 2, 2015 in New Feature Requests by dpilchick
Many new streets in Monsey are not on mappoint and it's very difficult to work the way it is now. I also don't find that mappoint gives the quickest/shortest routes in Monsey.
commented Oct 10, 2024 by mleifer
Can the bus routes be viewed on Google Maps divided in multiple tabs with 10 stops on each tab?

1 Answer

answered Sep 2, 2015 by Admin
Correct. For Monsey the Calculate Route is not a good option. Currently google maps does not provide routing or route optimization for what we need so there is no alternative (Except certain software that have a per school pricing of over $10,000)
commented Oct 19, 2015 by abrahamspitzer1
maybe it can be done in google maps as directions with many stops
commented Oct 19, 2015 by Admin
They do not allow so many stops.
commented Jan 18, 2016 by dpilchick
Can you make that the bus routes can be viewed on Google Maps even if it can't be used to calculate the route itself?
commented Jan 18, 2016 by Admin
No. Google does not have the option for so many stops in a route.

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