In a query, how can I filter out payments that weren't applied on a certain day? And How can I filter out campaigns which were entered under the wrong company?

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asked Nov 11, 2015 in Reports by Sori

2 Answers

answered Nov 11, 2015 by Sori
I figured out the campaigns under the wrong company.  I chose all the companies, except for the correct one, and chose the campaign and ran a charges detail report.
answered Nov 11, 2015 by Admin
What do you mean were not applied to a certain day? Do you mean all payments between Date1 and Date2 that are applied to a charge before date3?


If yes you use the Linked to Payment query.
commented Nov 11, 2015 by Sori
I mean that donations were entered and they weren't applied so they don't show up on reports.  It happened on a certain day when we had a new girl working.
commented Nov 11, 2015 by Admin
Look for all payments with Remaining > 0. Or just go to the payment tab in report and sort by the credit field.
commented Nov 11, 2015 by Sori
How do I get the payments to show up in the payment tab?

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