When a future credit card ends, it should show by the Main Menu.

+2 votes
asked Nov 17, 2015 in New Feature Requests by Tashbar
We have a lot of families that are signed up for automatic credit card payments each month. when entering their card information we need to enter an end date and this causes problems for people that signed up a payment whenever they have a charge. Would it be possible to add that when it becomes closer to the the last cc payment (end date) it should come up on the main menu screen (the same as before a card expires) we should be able to reschedule the card or contact the parent for a new plan. Its very important

1 Answer

answered Nov 17, 2015 by Admin
Just enter the card until when you want to charge even if it expires.
commented Nov 17, 2015 by Tashbar
So you mean to say that if a child register now till 12 grade the end date should be 12 years from now... ?

And whats with the rest i entered already just for a few years ?

How about the parents who gave for a period of time than i need to contact them ?
commented Nov 17, 2015 by Admin
You should only setup the cc for this years charges as next year you might charge different amounts.
commented Nov 18, 2015 by Tashbar
Ok will try, but still there are parents that want to divide their payments differently (ie from Jan till Dec. or if we made an agreement with old balance etc) it will be very helpful such a feature.
commented Nov 18, 2015 by Admin
I think you should call in to support and they will help you. Its very hard to understand your problem here.

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