We have students that they are up to date with the shots and it still shows red meaning they are due.

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asked Dec 15, 2015 in Support Questions by sfelberbaum
For example;  a child now in grade 7 nedds "4 OPV/IPV shots", he had 3 but since he had the 3rd shot after age 4 years he is cinsidered as COMPLETE. my question is now, how to remove the red box?

1 Answer

answered Dec 15, 2015 by mering
If when a student gets a shot and he is considered complete then that shot comes up in green and the red box gets removed but by your example by polio when the student gets his 3rd shot after the 4 year  he is not yet considered complete so for that reason it still comes up in red.
commented Dec 15, 2015 by sfelberbaum
so there is no way to remove the red box, then the report will not be accurate
commented Dec 15, 2015 by Secretary
for grade 7 if the 3rd dose was recieved at 4 or older the child should be complete - see requirements
commented Dec 15, 2015 by Secretary
it should be corrected in the rules
commented Dec 15, 2015 by Admin
Am not following exactly. But if you feel there is a error in the rule call in to support. AFAIK all the rules are currently setup correctly.
commented Dec 15, 2015 by Secretary
i personally didnt experience this problem but sfelberbaum is saying that a student with 3 ipv shots that received the 3rd shot after 4 in 7th grade is still coming up red for the fourth shot, as far as i am concerned that is wrong it should be considered complete, so if it is set up correctly maybe there is a diff mistake in this specific case

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