Is there a way to make Mass EMailing Reports/Statements Faster?

0 votes
asked May 1, 2022 in How To by yczehn
edited May 1, 2022 by YakovKantor
it takes very long to email reports/statements to account what can be done about it?

1 Answer

answered May 1, 2022 by yczehn



If you have a report that you frequently send to parents using mass emails and it takes a long time for it to send, then Please create a ticket with the following

  1. Which side of the program Fundraising/Tuition, and if its a tuition report children or programs
  2. Report/statement name, 
  3. How often do you use it for mass emails
  4. How long does it currently take per email

We will IYH review it to see if we can speed it up

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