We are considering to buy the bus route program. Would you be able to explain a bit how it would helpful for us, and how we will be able to use it?

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asked Dec 16, 2015 in Support Questions by yoelhonig

2 Answers

answered Dec 17, 2015 by Admin
It keep tracks of each student which bus they take for each route. It also has the option of entering bus changes.
commented Dec 17, 2015 by mering
We r also considering from buying it so we would appreciate if u can make a tutorial from it so we could see everything that we can do it
answered Dec 23, 2015 by Admin
Pressing F1 in the buses screen will open up a tutorial and you can see what can be done. This tutorial is already a few years old so there are a few new features since then but the basic concept is the same. There is also a complete module to enter all bus change requests.

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