Missing immunization letters that are mailed to the parents can list next to the missing shot, the date as of when the child can get it

+1 vote
asked Dec 16, 2015 in Tuition by BYBZ
First of all, thanks again for making the updates to the immunization reports. The new feature of the red box showing when the child is eligible for the next dose is very helpful. I was wondering if we can take this to the next level so that any missing immunization letters that are mailed to the parents can list next to the missing shot, the date as of when the child get it?

2 Answers

answered Feb 12, 2019 by yczehn
Best answer



answered Dec 22, 2015 by BYBZ

any chance of getting this feature in the very near future? we have allot of children that are missing shots but are not in teh proper interval yet to take it. if we just send letters we'll be wasting everyone's time. A letter with this feature will go along way in communicating pertinent information.


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