Duplicates tool

+8 votes
asked Jan 5, 2023 in New Feature Requests by Chaimshiah

This tool is a very good and very important tool, but maybe you can add a few very helpful features,

  1. For does accounts confirmed not to be duplicates, to add a button that should tell for the program, that does are not duplicates and should not show up again.
  2. it now only searches for 2 people with same address, but most duplicates are when someone who moved, and was therefore entered again with different address.
  3. The most effective way to search, would be to check for one linked kuriv that has 2 linked children with same or similar name! This is almost 100 percent clear duplicate, no matter the address and phone number.

I did this multiple times manually, is there a possibility to have this tool upgraded to search by link code? 

commented Jan 3 by moshekmtd
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