An account with a balance less than a penny

0 votes
asked Feb 2, 2016 in Support Questions by Pupa Camp
When I make a query of accounts with a balance >0.01 this account does not come up but when I make a query of accounts with a balance >0 this account comes up

Looks like it has a balance of less than a penny, I reviewed the account and reentered all charges and payments and it still comes up this account

How can that be fixed?

1 Answer

answered Feb 3, 2016 by Admin
selected Feb 7, 2016 by yczehn
Best answer
You deleted all charges and re-entered?
commented Feb 3, 2016 by Pupa Camp
I highlighted each amount and I re-entered it
commented Feb 3, 2016 by Admin
That might not be enough. As because you are entering the same thing as displayed it will not update anything. Is this an account that has funds imported form a previous system?
commented Feb 3, 2016 by Pupa Camp
commented Feb 3, 2016 by Admin
So reenter the amount with extra 0. For example if it 15.00 enter as 15.000, or if its 15.67 enter as 15.670
commented Feb 3, 2016 by Pupa Camp
I did it now by the charges, payments and future cc and this account still comes up
commented Feb 7, 2016 by Admin
We changed the code. It should work now.
commented Feb 7, 2016 by Pupa Camp
Its working


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