Removing Attendence In The Attendence Screen That Was Marked In Courses

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asked Mar 3, 2016 in Tuition by eli

We enter the attendance in in the courses screen using a "X" that way we can see it in the attendance screen, can you please enable that we should also be able to update the attendance like changing to "L" or deleting  in the attendance screen ?

1 Answer

answered Mar 3, 2016 by Admin
edited Mar 3, 2016 by Ari
It used to delete the record with this absent type. So if you use the same absent type for multiple programs it would delete from any program that has this absentees.

We now changed it should only delete from the current program only. So that means that you will no more be able to delete any of the OX records. If someone does need that functionality please respond here and we will add it back as an option.

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