keeping track of class daily schedule

0 votes
asked Mar 7, 2016 in New Feature Requests by mbs

it would be very much appreciated if you can create a class schedule tab in administration where we can enter an exact schedule for each class.

for example:

2nd grade Rabbi Green

9:00-10:00 -davening

10:00-10:45 -bikeroom

and so on....

after this information is entered we should be able to go into a student's account and see exactly where he is up to in the day

this will make it simpler if a parent comes in to pick up a child or if he just wants to give over a message we can know right away where he is and בכלל its a good thind to have this info down pat.

Thank You for always catering to our needs.

1 Answer

answered Mar 7, 2016 by Admin

You can setup a schedule in administration by classes.

You can see a students schedule in the courses screen by the schedule tab,

Please note: This option is only available for those that purchased courses.

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