Changing the schedule

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asked Dec 12, 2023 in New Feature Requests by mbzcsem

We were told by support that there is a change being made for us, by which we can change a particular class on a particular day (let's say, from Chumash to Navi on Wed. Dec 13) without touching the rest of the calendar. This can often be necessary if a teacher cancels and we replace the class and we need to track attendance for the proper class.

Is there an estimate as to when this change will be ready? The changes we requested are quite urgent for us.

Thank you
commented Dec 12, 2023 by Admin
Contact support.
commented Dec 14, 2023 by mbzcsem
I'm sorry, I misunderstood yesterday. The question is - it is important for us to be able to change the classes on a specific day (changing the daily schedule on one specific date). Is that possible? Thank you

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