When clicking payments/charges tab, should jump to the bottom of the list by default

+5 votes
asked Jan 1 in New Feature Requests by SuriHeimfeld
recategorized Jan 10 by SuriHeimfeld
Is there a way to set that any tabs (payments, charges etc) by default jump all the way to the bottom instead of having to double click?
commented Jan 8 by mdgoodman
How about reversing the order, where newer charges are on top. Instead of having to do that manually, change the default to automatically list newer activity on top, on all financial screens.

1 Answer

answered Jan 1 by Admin
No such setting.
commented Jan 10 by SuriHeimfeld
Is it something you can add? It would be really helpful.

In our school (and I would assume others too) we always look at the latest charges/payments. Technically it's not a big deal to double click on tab and jump to the bottom, but if we need to switch between companies it jumps back up to the top and I need to double click again each time I switch the company...
commented Jan 10 by Admin
We do not plan on adding.
commented Jan 11 by Shulem
You can have selected 'payments received in period,' and for charges, you can have selected either 'charges due' or 'charges for period,' to only show the latest charges/payments.
commented Jan 12 by SuriHeimfeld
Oh that's a good workaround for now! Thank you!

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