Per Child Monthly - Last Month Amount not Billing Properly in Charges

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asked Jul 23 in New Feature Requests by molshin
When the last month of tuition billing is a different amount than all the other months, the charge is not reading the last month amount from the contract and instead billing a few cents too much. Can this please be corrected to accurately bill the charge amounts? for example i billed 5600 over 12 months, i need the last month to be a different amount because it doesn't divide evenly, on the contract it says the last month at the correct amount but when it charges it is incorrect.

Thank you

1 Answer

answered Jul 23 by Admin
selected Jul 30 by Admin
Best answer
Correct. We do not have the option of a separate last amount if billing per child.
commented Aug 12 by iwenger
So how am I supposed to handle all the college payments? They are all going to be off
commented Aug 12 by Admin
No clue what you use for college. But definitely do not use Per Child Monthly if its not split by an even number.

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