honoring same person again.

–1 vote
asked May 11, 2016 in Fundraisers by asrtiop
If we are honoring a person who was honored before how would you go about tagging the new people he added to his mailing list and removing the old ones? Right now when we import an honorees list we link them but when i do a report asking for that honoree pledges i also get his old contacts that we didn't mail invitations to this year.

1 Answer

answered May 11, 2016 by Admin
selected May 11, 2016 by asrtiop
Best answer
Why would you want to remove the old ones (He divorced or ...)
commented May 11, 2016 by asrtiop
honoree had a list of 100 names. he removed 15 because he doesn't want to invite them (no longer does business with them, ect.). He also added another 25 names to his list. so this year his list is different then last year. but when you run a report it will show 125 names vs the 110 that he invited this year.
commented May 11, 2016 by Admin
You have to manually delete these people from his list. Or you create a new list type for the new import.
commented May 11, 2016 by asrtiop
Created a new type list. Was just wondering if anyone else ran into this and how they dealt with it.

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