Is there a way that when i type in new family or new student that the first letter of each word becomes "Caps"?

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asked May 17, 2016 in New Feature Requests by BDY
When we type in new info for new student or for new family, i should just have to type and the format will come out to be as first letter CAPS

1 Answer

answered May 17, 2016 by Admin
It does change it to first letter caps. But if you wrote all letter caps it will not change the other letters to lower. So if you wrote all lower the first will be Cap. if you wrote all UPPER they will remain that way. We have to set it this way for times when you do want in middle should also have Caps. Like McDonald.
commented May 17, 2016 by BDY
thanks i didn't notice that because it works only when you tab to next entry.
commented May 17, 2016 by Admin
Correct. Please click on the check box to mark answer as complete.

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