Can you please add the ignore field to the screen where you match accounts from excel honoree list so we know if the information we are receiving from the honoree list is already updated in our system.

+1 vote
asked Dec 12, 2024 in Fundraisers by Mrs. Mayer

Can you please add the ignore field to the screen where you match accounts from excel honoree list so we know if the information we are receiving from the honoree list is already updated in our system.



commented Dec 24, 2024 by SScheier
Please prioritize this as it is causing a lot of wasted time since it looks like we are missing a name when they are actually marked as "Ignore".
commented Dec 25, 2024 by Admin
Please explain. Why does it look like they are missing?
commented Dec 25, 2024 by SScheier
moved Dec 31, 2024 by SScheier
One spouse passed away and we marked "ignore" in JL. Then we get a list to import and we see that the deceased spouse is not listed on the honoree's list but on the account it is matching to, both spouses show up the same. We have to go into the account to update that the person is deceased, not knowing that it was already marked "ignore". Thank you!

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