Why when I put in a date after 2030, it jumps to 1930?

0 votes
asked Jan 7 in How To by YakovKantor
Some credit cards that I am entering now have expiration dates in 2030 or later. When I enter it as the 2 digit month and the 4 digit year, it is reading it as 1930

Ex: I put in a cc with expiration 02/2030 and it came up as 02/1930.

1 Answer

answered Jan 7 by YakovKantor
Best answer



This is due to a setting in windows that needs to be changed.

To change this setting, go to Region Settings and click additional setting.


Then go to the Date tab, then on the bottom go to the Calendar section and change the year to a later year (Ex. 2040).



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