move payment

+4 votes
asked May 23, 2016 in Support Questions by Reuven
I know there is an option to move a cc charge from 1 account to another account , is there a way to so as well for a regular payment that was deposited already, or should I just delete the payment and deposit # and renter all info by the right account ?

1 Answer

answered May 23, 2016 by Admin
In fundraising you can move a payment in the Mass Payments screen.

In tuition you need to delete and re-enter.
commented May 23, 2016 by Reuven

Y is there not the same option for tuition ?
commented May 23, 2016 by Admin
In fundraising where you do not know the donors and you have alot of donor transactions these mistake do happen more often.

In tuition where you are dealing with parents, and you need to open the account before entering the payment, its less likely to happen.
commented May 23, 2016 by BYBZ
to delete and reenter is a problem once the payment was deposited. this would be great in tuition.

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