Can there be an option to enter absent days in "week day" by attendance for vouchers by "type" instead of "class"?

+1 vote
asked Jul 12, 2016 in Tuition by Secretary
Voucher claims are processed by the student actual age, regardless of grade, so for ex: we have students in grade K, which are already going to be 6 years in the middle of the year, so they will be claimed for Sunday - Thurs because they will be in type school age level of care, some students in that class will still be 5+ and be claimed on Monday-friday for preschool level,

so if i put K as absent for sunday or friday it is not accurate per student. but if i can select absent days by type of care that would be more accurate,


thank you

1 Answer

answered Jul 12, 2016 by Admin
Same class is open different days?

You need to make separate classes.
commented Aug 3, 2016 by Tashbar
We are having the same issue by the "Holidays" ie when the after school program  is closed (school age type) , can you please add this ?
commented Aug 4, 2016 by Admin
Same answer. You need to keep different levels in different classes.

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