Why is my auto-contract not balancing the scholarship between the two semesters?

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asked Jul 17, 2016 in Tuition by shme22000

When I try to use the auto-contract to create a scholarship, on the top of the screen it looks correct, but when I view it in detail, each scholarship is incorrect, see screenshots below:








2 Answers

answered Jul 17, 2016 by Admin
Best you call in to show the issue.
commented Jul 17, 2016 by shme22000
Because the scholarships are not being given locations (even though they are being given students) high school students are getting scholarships for summer semesters that they will never be a part of.
answered Jul 18, 2016 by Admin
We corrected this now. You will need to recreate the account you did already. We recently did some updates on the T feature and it seems like it didn't calculate semesters correctly.

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