Please create a superuser account whereby an administrator can review report cards for a full grade/division from the web interface without logging into each teacher account.

+2 votes
asked Jul 29, 2016 in New Feature Requests by ilenewilson

I hope this message finds you well.  

Please create a superuser account whereby an administrator can review/modify report cards for a full grade/division from the web interface without logging into each teacher account.  This will streamline the review process for our administration significantly.

Thank you in advance,

Best wishes for a Good Shabbos,

Ilene Wilson

Talmudical Academy of Baltimore

410-484-6600 x308
commented Aug 1, 2016 by Admin
Viewing Only, Or modify too?
commented Aug 1, 2016 by ilenewilson
The superuser account should have the ability to view adn modify the records.

Thank you in advance,

Ilene Wilson

Talmudical Academy of Baltimore

410-484-6600 x308
commented Aug 2, 2016 by Admin
Will be done by next week Tuesday. Will post here when you can test it.
commented Aug 2, 2016 by ilenewilson
Fantastic!  Thank you so much for your timely response.

It is greatly appreciated.

Kol Tov,

Ilene Wilson

Talmudical Academy of Baltimore

410-484-6600 x308
commented May 8, 2023 by Pinkus

Can we add to this list Principal Assistant we have some Secreteries that need acess and they come up on staff list as principals.

Thank you

commented May 9, 2023 by Miriam Spitzer
We have the same issue. Is there a way to have them labeled as secretaries and yet still have principal access?
commented May 9, 2023 by Admin
Added new web config option AddStaffType. Contact support and they can add it for you.
commented May 9, 2023 by Pinkus
Thank you

1 Answer

answered Aug 2, 2016 by Admin
selected Nov 21, 2017 by Moshe Y
Best answer
You can test now. Please check in Principle check box in the login screen.

Also use a login with the account credentials of someone that is setup as any of the following staff types.

Principal, Menahel, Rosh Yeshiva, General Studies Principal
commented Aug 9, 2016 by Admin
Did you check this?
commented Aug 9, 2016 by ilenewilson
not yet - am about to check shortly
commented Aug 9, 2016 by ilenewilson
B'li neder, I will plan to get back to you in Wednesday.
commented Aug 10, 2016 by ilenewilson
I apologize for the delay in responding.  I have tried unsuccessfully to get onto the web interface.

I keep receiving a server runtime error.  Rabbi Ciment recommended that I contact you to resolve this.

Thank you in advance,

Ilene Wilson

Talmudical Academy of Baltimore

410-484-6600 x308
commented Aug 10, 2016 by Admin
Check Now.
commented Aug 11, 2016 by ilenewilson

Good morning,


I hope this message finds you well.  Thank you for your prompt attention.  I tested the feature this morning and have a few questions/concerns.

1) When I assign an individual the staff type of Principal, they are only able to see the classes/programs within their division (i.e. Preschool or Elementary School)  I will be managing both the Elementary and Preschool report card process. In order to ensure superuser access to both divisions, does my account need to be assigned to both groups (i.e. division in Elementary and Preschool)?

2) It appears that if an accounts has the correct staff type, superuser access is provided whether or not the Principal box in the front is checked.  If this is the case, is the principal box required?  Please clarify.

3) We have Hebrew and English classes with the same name (i.e. 4A)  In the class drop down list, there is no way to differentiate the Limud Kol report card from the Limud Kodesh one.  To minimize confusion, we would like to modify the list to include "Kodesh" or "Kol" to the class names in the drop down list.  

4) The drop down menu provides a listing of all Programs and Classes by Division for the current year in the Drop-down menu.  Is it possible to filter the list and include only those classes and Programs by division that have an associated report card?  (i.e. There is no report card for Lunch or Recess but these are classified as Programs to ensure that they appear in the Student schedules.  

5) While report cards will be reviewed by the Menahlel, Rosh Yeshiva, Principal and General Studies Principal, a lot of the review will be performed by the Office Administration for each division.  Please include another staff type: Office Adminstration to address this.  

Thank you in advance, 

Ilene Wilson

Talmudical Academy of Baltimore 

410-484-6600 x308








commented Aug 11, 2016 by ilenewilson
I have one more question regarding account access.

Since each individual is logging in with their own credentials, does that mean that we will be able to determine who updated a specific report card?  Is the time/date stamp available for this activity?  How would we access such logs if needed.  Please advise.

Thank you in advance,

Ilene Wilson

Talmudical Academy of Baltimore

410-484-6600 x308
commented Aug 11, 2016 by Admin
1) They can only see the location they are a staff member.

2) If they also teach their own classes they would need to set principal box,

3) Not so simple, will see.

4) Can make that only classes with tests show up.

5) I dont think you want everyone in Office Administration to see everyones grades.
commented Aug 11, 2016 by ilenewilson
Just one more question

Can we remove the option to reset password from the logon screen?  I am managing the Preschool and Elementary divisions for report cards and I do not have access to reset passwords when the users forget or misplace their information.  Thank you in advance,
commented Aug 11, 2016 by Admin
The password are reset from within the software.

If there is an option to reset online why do we need a password at all.
commented Aug 11, 2016 by ilenewilson
Thank you for your timely response.  I think that #3 is not a show-stopper. We can figure out a way to work around it for the time being.

The other changes would be amazing though.  

I mis-stated the last piece about the password.  Your point is an excellent one.

I am referring to the option on the web interface to change the password.  I am wondering if that feature can be removed and for now we will just have the teachers/rebbeim continue to use the !tmpxxx passwords that are generated by JL.

Re: #5  There will be 7 people that we want to have this superuser access (2 are principals, 1 is Menahlel).   The others have an Office Administration role.  I am just looking for another header to accurately capture their role.  

Thank you in advance,

Ilene Wilson
commented Aug 16, 2016 by ilenewilson


I hope this message finds you well.  I wanted to check in with you and see if you are able to complete these changes to the superuser account before the start of our school year?  

Please advise,

Thank you in advance,

Ilene Wilson

Talmudical Academy of Baltimore

410-484-6600 x308

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