Add Check Box to the contract screen that will prevent the auto contract from changing

+2 votes
asked Jan 18, 2017 in New Feature Requests by Pupa Camp
First of all the Q&A has his first anniversary and everyone who was following can see and appreciating all the new features and accomplishments that were made in the program since then it’s really amazing

So I would like to make our system more efficient, I want to use the auto contract this year which will gain us a lot of time then entering everything manually
I’m just trying to think in advance what outcome issues we can get to and to make sure that there is a solution for it
Currently we were entering all the campers all the charges and when a parent told us that they are not using for Example the bus to camp we made zero on that charge for that child in the contract, and like that we made a report who has a charge for that and like that we knew how many seats we need and also when we saw someone with out this charge we checked if hew has this and just its zero or we just forgot to charge him

Now when we want to use the auto contract and we will change the season it will add again the charge what even what we made already zero before

I’m thinking that if it would be a check box by each line of the per child split of the contract (or on top next to the charge it self) that it shouldn’t change when changing anything of the period for that child that has also this charge, would be a solution

What would you suggest to solve that?

2 Answers

answered Jan 18, 2017 by mering
Btw Its almost the 2nd Anniversary !
commented Jan 19, 2017 by Pupa Camp
I’m now thinking that rather if its possible to add a Colum by the period named “Add. Info” with drop down and will set there if the student is using one of these charges and the auto contract should look on that
answered Jan 19, 2017 by Pinkus
The best way we find doing exactly what you describe, is by adding all these charges in auto contract,

So like this you never forget to bill it.

You can always delete the charge in contract, if he isn’t using that service you are charging for.

And you can always edit the charge, if at some point they decide they do want the service and it won’t affect the existing children receiving the service charge.

It also has a pop up warning so if you edit a contract item and it has multiple children on it how you want to split the charge.

As a JL user I think this way will address all your concerns.

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