Revamp the List Feature

–1 vote
asked Mar 6, 2017 in Tuition and Fundraising by bismark
The list feature is very useful but has limits ( with respect to the size of the list.

Another problem is that since lists are added to queries as explicit lists of accounts there is no way to save a query with a list.

The flag feature overcomes those limits but requires administrative rights to create, empty or delete the flags.

Please consider changing the implementation of the lists so that they behave more like the flags.

Alternatively: provide a way to allow specific users to empty, or by query selectively remove, particular flags from all or some accounts without granting administrative rights?


Yitzchok Markowitz

1 Answer

answered Mar 6, 2017 by Admin
You correctly described the differences of lists and flags. We don't feel comfortable enough to allow every user to delete all flags.
commented Mar 7, 2017 by bismark

Thanks for validating my understanding of the difference between lists and flags.

In my original question I mentioned two strategies that should alleviate your concern and solve my problem.

  • Please consider changing the implementation of the lists so that they behave more like the flags.

  • Alternatively: provide a way to allow specific users to empty, or by query selectively remove, particular flags from all or some accounts without granting administrative rights

The first suggestion retains the distinction between lists and flags. In the back end it would be stored in manner similar to flags and would permit users to create, manipulate or delete their lists, as needed.

The second suggestion adds user rights to specific flags and users. It could allow a mass deletion of the flag from accounts for users who have the right to that flag. It would not put other flags in jeopardy, not would every user be granted rights to every flag.

By not addressing this you force administrators either to do work that non-admins are perfectly capable of or to grant administrative rights to the software too liberally.

Thank you for looking into this.

commented Mar 7, 2017 by Admin
Thanks for your input. We do not think we will create any changes to this at this time.

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