How can I figure out the information for the required immunization survey?

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asked Dec 12, 2018 in School Administrators by hh
When a student has part of her shots, and then the parents stop giving her shots, but give in a religious exemption instead. When I make the immunization report I will have a problam. If lets say her MMR is complete she will come up as religious exempt, and as completely immunized MMR. So lets say the class has 20 students, I might have 6 students that are religious exempt, and 15 students who are immunized for MMR, and since the total is more than the total of the class, the system of the immunization survery will not let me put it in. That means that I have to sit over the report and adjust the numbers of every grade, every shot. Would anyone have a good idea?

1 Answer

answered Dec 12, 2018 by Admin
If you enter the exemption the correct way (on the MMR shot, not a general shot called religious exemption) This should work.

This is the reason we changed the way exemptions are entered two years ago.

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