Deduct future Credit Card payments only up to certain future charge date

+1 vote
asked Apr 30, 2015 in Tuition and Fundraising by BYBZ
It would be helpful to have the feature when printing statements or any query the deducts future credit cards, that we can set up to what date. We always run into an issue this time of the year, where if someone still has a balance for the next two months until year’s end and sent in a signed contract with future credit card payments for the following year, that he doesn’t get a statement because the future credit card schedules for the next period charges are being deducted in the balances statement. Such a feature would help in most cases as we would set it to deduct future credit cards until Sept 1 or something like it.

1 Answer

answered May 1, 2015 by Admin
edited May 1, 2015 by Admin

This feature was always available if you create your own balance query from the query tab. There you can specify until which charge date you want to include in the future credit card calculation.

Have now also added this to the statement tab. You just need to enter a date next to the "Deduct Future CC Transactions" check box. (2)

Also added option to calculate the balance to the end of the year even if you are only displaying until today. Just enter a date next to the "Account with Balance >" box. (1)

commented May 1, 2015 by mering
I really appreciate that u added the option to calculate the balance to the end of the year.

This will be a great help for me.
commented May 3, 2015 by BYBZ
Didn't seem to work yet by me.
commented May 3, 2015 by Admin
Call in to support.
commented May 3, 2015 by BYBZ
thanks, works great!

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