How can i get Home Phone Numbers when i import a list from an honoree that has only names and addresses ?

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asked May 6, 2015 in How To by Pinkus

In JL Fundraising There is currently a great feature to get the phone numbers you are missing, you pull up the (honoree) list of missing phone numbers in Mail merge and go to options menu on top of the reports screen, and you select Get phone numbers and you  get all phone numbers (if they are listed).

you can Get address as well if you have a list of names and a listed home phone number .


commented May 8, 2015 by Tashbar
I think its not recommended to do that. because a lot of times the address or phone are listed  different names  (wife, landlord etc.) so if the accounts (honoree list) has correct info only the address/phone are missing it will mess up the accounts (honoree list)  if it's wrong let me know.
commented May 8, 2015 by Admin
It will only add a phone number or address if there isn't any. How do you think it will mess up?
commented May 8, 2015 by Tashbar
Because when I want to create a new account  and enter the name and phone then when I click get address it will change the  correct (first) name to the name the address is listed.
commented May 8, 2015 by Admin
He wasn't talking in the screen of adding a new account. He was talking about adding addresses and phone numbers mass to a list. There the first name does not get changed.

Also when adding a new account you don't need to enter the first name it that screen. You should enter it the same time you enter the title and all other stuff.

1 Answer

answered May 6, 2015 by Admin
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