single contract for students in multiple companies

+3 votes
asked May 18, 2015 in Tuition by BYBZ
Can we have a way to select students of multiple companies in a single contract. For example, we have certain students in a family that are enrolled in a different company than our regular company,yet the transportation contract should be a single contract. Currently we can only select students from a single company, so a family that has students in two or more companies gets two contracts. This also creates a big hassle as kids shift between companies because of eligibility criteria of certain programs, we then have to redo the transportation contract. This is time consuming and always ripe for errors. If we would be able to select more than one company, there would be no need to go back to change this. Thanks,
commented Jun 15, 2015 by BYBZ
Any chance of getting this addressed, as this is becoming very important to us and will save us many, many hours of work if we can't get this feature.

2 Answers

answered Jul 27, 2015 by Admin
selected Dec 14, 2022 by yczehn
Best answer
You can add a  zero (0) by student company and it will take from all companies.
commented Jul 27, 2015 by BYBZ
answered Jun 16, 2015 by Admin
Currently it doesn't seem like we will add this feature. We like to keep companies separate and not combine multiple companies. If you must charge both students under one company I would recommend putting the students in one company.
commented Jun 16, 2015 by BYBZ
you actualy do have this feature now that we can select a student from another company, all that were asking for is to be able to select students from multiple companies.

we need this for families that have different children in different companies such as day care or headstart, yet for trans the family should get a full contract. yet it gets even harder if kids move mid term for whatever reason between companies and then transportation contract needs to be redone.

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