In Notes, there's a button labeled, "Add to Notes," which would be useful to add a common note to a drop down. It doesn't seem to have any effect. What do I do to make it work? Thank you!

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asked May 19, 2015 in How To by Yehuda

1 Answer

answered May 19, 2015 by Admin
selected Feb 7, 2018 by Admin
Best answer

It works only under a category. After you select a category from the top you can choose add to notes if you are an administrator. If not it will only be in the dropdown when you login.

commented May 19, 2015 by Yehuda
Thank you very much!

Actually, now I see that every time I tried to add it, it worked, even though no category was chosen in the tabs on top.

But the drop down only displays the saved notes when the category is chosen.   So I kept on trying to add it and not seeing the added note!

The result is that I have the same note saved multiple times.

Is there a way for me to delete the duplicates?
commented May 19, 2015 by Admin
You can delete it by going in to administration the first tab, and choose Notes List from the dropdown on the right. All notes from all users will come up. Delete the ones you want removed.
commented May 19, 2015 by Yehuda

Thank you!
commented Mar 30, 2016 by Pupa Camp
Is it possible to make it work if i select a category from the drop down and not from the top?
commented Mar 30, 2016 by Admin
Everything is possible. But will try to explain a little why we chose to not load it only when selecting on top.

Each time we load it we need to go to the server and ask what is the notes available for this category. Which takes a hit on the server and on the software. So if we want to have it loaded for each row separately it means we need to ask the server on each row to send us the notes for that category, remove the notes already there and reload the new notes. We think it is not worth the added workload on the server for this.

So the short answer is NO. You must select it from the top.
commented Mar 30, 2016 by Pupa Camp
I understand

Thanks for explaining, its much more easier for the users to atleast understand a decision when they know the reason

Thanks for making the program productive all the time

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