Lock the Captured Column in the Credit Card Transaction Tab

0 votes
asked Jul 9, 2019 in Tuition and Fundraising by Bobov-45
Please lock the Captured Column in the Credit Card Transaction Tab.

If a user clicks on the "Captured" checkbox on the record of a "future" Transaction, that transaction gets marked as captured, and will show up in the Admin Credit Card Screen as Captured and not entered. Locking the box would prevent this error.


1 Answer

answered Jul 9, 2019 by Admin
Locked in the latest version.
commented May 5, 2020 by MBR
How can we prevent the same mistake from happening when a user clicks on the 'ignore' button on the record of a future transaction?  That click prevents the cc from being charged. A pop up box demanding to verify if we actually want to ignore it, will prevent this error.

Thank you

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