it would be helpful if there were a way to have an almana get mail as Mrs. "Chaim" Schwartz but still have he own first name by the "wife" so that it would be available for dinner seating

+4 votes
asked Jan 19, 2021 in New Feature by Shira

1 Answer

answered Jan 19, 2021 by Admin
Please call in to support, or provide more details of what you are requesting.
commented Feb 7, 2021 by bismark
I can't presume to know what the poster meant but I would love to have a checkbox in the General Info screen near "Mother" that would say "Uses Husband's name" that would change how name formats like: "TitleW FNameW LName" (or any of the male "title firstnames" that roll over to the woman's title and first name when the husband is marked ignore) to use Father's first name instead of hers even if father is marked ignore.

If that isn't what was meant I would put it in as a separate request.

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