What is the best way to keep track of Pushka campaigns? (Ex. Purim, Chanuka etc.)

+5 votes
asked Mar 10, 2016 in Support Questions by dpilchick
How would I keep track of money that kids collected? Is there a way to track how much each kid collected for a specific campaign? also, what if I want to see the donation on the donor's profile as well?

1 Answer

answered Mar 10, 2016 by Admin
selected May 28, 2023 by Hershy Klein
Best answer

The best way is to create a Pushka Company in fundraising (Do not create the company yourself. Call in to support to create the company.). Also create a separate campaign  for each pushka campaign. For example Purim 2016 etc.

Then in the parents account enter under donation enter the amount the student collected and choose the students name from the student dropdown in payments as shown in picture below.

Next open a report Request Ticket to get the report we have showing each class and student how much they collected for the selected campaign. Just press Create Charge when on the Apply Charges screen.



commented Mar 10, 2016 by dpilchick
Most of the money that comes in from the Purim campaign comes in from groups? how would I enter it to split a even amount for each kid? where would the check get entered? Also, is there any way to link the donation to the donor's account if it's a large amount?
commented Mar 10, 2016 by Admin

"Most of the money that comes in from the Purim campaign comes in from groups? how would I enter it to split a even amount for each kid?"

You would need to split it manually for each kid. You can enter next to the child which group he is in by book number or any other field.

"Also, is there any way to link the donation to the donor's account if it's a large amount?"

By the kids you enter the complete amount they brought. If a few Donors you want to keep record how much you can enter it by them too. In order to not redeposit these funds enter as credit by donor.


Or if you want to enter more correctly, enter two entries for those children that got large donations. One that you enter as cash and will deposit, and one as credit lumping together all large donations. Now by the donor do enter it regularly and use that for deposit.

commented Jan 5, 2017 by Viznitz
is there a way to enter it by mass payments like that i don't have to go in every account separately?
commented Jan 8, 2017 by Admin
Currently there is no student column in mass payments.
commented Jan 8, 2017 by Viznitz
okay thanks
commented Jan 1, 2020 by Nlink
Can you add a student column in mass payments and/or mass charges? We are running a raffle campaign, the bochurim sell raffles and we reward them based on how much they raised. It would be very helpful if we can add the student num while entering the pledge or payment and not to have to go into each account separately to enter the student number.
commented Dec 14, 2022 by Kasho
Just noticed this great feature, it's a very good tip to keep track of all these different types funds, as I see other people mentioned, it's very difficult to use it without being able to enter it in the mess payment screen, can this be added?
commented Dec 18, 2022 by Admin
Added for the Mass Payment screen
commented Dec 19, 2022 by Kasho
I updated to latest version, but I still don't see this feature in unhide column.
commented Dec 20, 2022 by Admin
Contact Support to help you.
commented Dec 20, 2022 by Kasho
Now its there.

Thanks for Adding.

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