Send a Call or Email to Staff

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asked Aug 16, 2018 in Tuition by Admin
How do I send a Phone Call or email to Staff Members. The Male Staff Members I need to send it to the Fathers Cell and Fathers Email, and the Female Staff members we need to send it to the Mothers Cell and Mothers Email.

1 Answer

answered Aug 16, 2018 by Admin
Best answer

Choose the new Staff option. Then you need to select the type to send separately for Male and Female.

PLEASE NOTE: When you query for the staff member it will still come up Male and Female if they are both Staff Members, even if only one is the Staff Member for the selected query.



commented Jun 27, 2019 by ygoldblatt
Do you have a solution for this problem yet:

When you query for the staff member it will still come up Male and Female if they are both Staff Members, even if only one is the Staff Member for the selected query.
commented Jun 3, 2020 by Admin
Please call in to explain your issue.
commented Jun 14, 2020 by ygoldblatt
The issue is that if I have a couple where the husband works in the boys division and the wife in the girls division, if I do a staff query for boys staff, use the voice/sms/email tab and select staff, fathers email and in the right column mothers email - it will show both spouses despite my query only asking for the husband.

Call me anytime to discuss. Thank you!
commented Oct 18, 2021 by tlevovitz

Following up on this - do you have a solution to: PLEASE NOTE: When you query for the staff member it will still come up Male and Female if they are both Staff Members, even if only one is the Staff Member for the selected query.

We have 4 divisions and many couples who both work in one of our locations. In this case, the husband shouldn't be included when we send an email or callingpost to the wife's division or vice versa. 

Additionally - if a current staff member's spouse used to work in the school but isn't currently employed, their contact information is still included in staff communications. We'd like this to be fixed so that the spouse (who no longer works in the school)  doesn't receive reminders/updates that are targeted to current staff. 

Thank you

commented Oct 18, 2021 by YakovKantor
Make a staff query and select a gender
commented Oct 19, 2021 by tlevovitz
Got  it. Thank you

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